Pandya Store Written Update Today: In the upcoming episode of “Pandya Store“ on 13 June 2023, Dhara is shocked by Chiku’s poor exam results, while Chiku appears angry and runs away. Meanwhile, Arushi faces discomfort during the haldi ritual due to red chili powder.
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Pandya Store 13 June 2023 Written Update Today
Chiku’s Poor Results: Dhara is shocked when she sees Chiku’s exam results and realizes that he has failed most of his subjects. However, Chiku avoids eye contact and appears angry with Dhara when she tries to discuss his results. The teacher also blames Dhara for not paying enough attention to Chiku, which deeply hurts her.
Chiku’s Behavior
Outside the school, Dhara apologizes to the teacher for Chiku’s performance and tries to talk to Chiku about his lack of studying. But Chiku doesn’t respond and simply runs away from Dhara, leaving her worried and confused.
Arushi’s Haldi Ritual
Meanwhile, Shiva and Shweta visit Arushi’s house to give her haldi for the ritual. Arushi accepts it, but soon her face starts burning as she applies it. It turns out that there was red chili powder mixed in the haldi, causing discomfort and irritation.
Note: The full story of the serial will be updated soon.
Last thing
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