Kundali Bhagya Written Update: In the upcoming episode of Kundali Bhagya on 24 June 2023, Rakhi takes a stand against Rajveer and Shaurya, while Rishabh advises caution. As the truth unfolds, a shocking revelation puts Nidhi in jeopardy.
Zee5 TV Show Kundali Bhagya Written Update (24 June 2023)
In the upcoming episode, Rakhi tells Kareena that she won’t support Rajveer or Shaurya. Kareena worries about Nidhi causing trouble in the hall and urges Rakhi to join everyone.
Rishabh’s Advice and Shaurya’s Plan
Meanwhile, Rishabh advises Rajveer and Shaurya to be patient and gather more information. They should bring Raja and the officers inside to learn the truth. Shaurya suggests confronting Raja forcefully to make him confess. Nidhi worries about her secret being revealed.
Confronting Raja and a Shocking Revelation
With permission from the police, Shaurya, Rajveer, and Sandy start questioning Raja. They become physical to make him regain consciousness. Raja starts coughing and begs them to let him speak.
Gasping for breath, Raja shocks everyone by revealing that someone from the Luthra family asked him to commit a murder. Nidhi becomes pale as Raja looks at her, and she desperately tries to signal him not to mention her name.
Last thing
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