Kundali Bhagya Written Update: In the upcoming episode of Kundali Bhagya on 21st June 2023, a thrilling turn of events unfolds as Raja escapes the police and encounters Shaurya. Meanwhile, Aarohi’s evil plans and the severity of Shaurya’s injuries add to the suspense.
Kundali Bhagya Written Update Today (21 June 2023)
Raja’s Escape and Encounter: In the next episode, Raja manages to escape from the police and seeks refuge in a house where he unexpectedly comes face to face with Shaurya. A fierce fight erupts between them as Shaurya tries to prevent Raja from getting away.
Rajveer and Rishabh’s Shock: Rajveer and Rishabh hurry to Shaurya’s room upon hearing the commotion. To their astonishment, they witness Raja brutally stabbing Shaurya in the stomach with a knife. Despite his dislike for Shaurya, Rajveer is taken aback by the sight of him getting hurt.
Aarohi’s Evil Plan: Meanwhile, Aarohi instructs Nidhi to create a distraction in the main house, intending to harm Preeta in the outhouse without anyone noticing. Nidhi assures Aarohi that she is working on it and promises to eliminate Preeta, taking all her secrets with her.
However, their conversation gets interrupted when Dadi suddenly appears with a serious expression, leaving Nidhi and Aarohi anxious. The question arises: Did Dadi overhear their wicked plans?
Last thing
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