GHKKPM Upcoming Twist 23 June 2023: In an upcoming twist on the show, “Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein,” the storyline takes a tense turn. Viewers are feeling anxious as their beloved characters face a hijacked flight situation. Sai, Satya, and Virat’s family find themselves trapped on the plane with terrorists.
Ghum hai kisikey pyaar mein twist and updates
Virat, determined to protect all the passengers, rushes to the flight but finds himself in trouble. There are hints that Sai might face a life-threatening situation in the unfolding storyline. Meanwhile, Vinu manages to escape safely from the flight, and the terrorists plan to send the children outside. Savi, displaying immense bravery, decides to stay on the plane to save her brother.
Critical Moments
The climax of the episode will feature Vinu and Virat together just before Virat boards the flight. The terrorists realize that Virat’s family is on the plane, They come to know that Sai is Virat’s ex-wife and his current marriage to Doctor Satya. The terrorists give Sai an ultimatum, forcing her to choose between Satya and Virat. If she refuses, they threaten to harm both of them.
Sai’s Dilemma
The precap leaves viewers in suspense, not revealing what Sai decides. Speculations suggest that Sai might sacrifice herself by taking the bullet. Reports indicate that Ayesha Singh’s role, who plays Sai, will come to an end in the show. Fans anticipate a tragic fate for Sai, Virat, and Satya, with only Vinu, Bhavani, and Savi surviving in the family.
A Heart-Pounding Track: The upcoming episodes of “Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein” promise a gripping storyline that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The audience eagerly awaits to see how Virat will save Sai and the other passengers in this high-stakes situation.