Kundali Bhagya Written Update Today: In the upcoming episode of Kundali Bhagya on June 7th, 2023, the story begins with Rajveer urging Preeta to go back home. He assures her that he will return before long and emphasizes that she should not spoil Shaurya’s special day. Rajveer drops Preeta off at the door and takes his leave, leaving Preeta with mixed emotions.
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Kundali Bhagya 7th June 2023 Written Update
Karan Confronts Rajveer About His Connection with Preeta: Meanwhile, Karan calls Rajveer and confronts him about his relationship with Preeta. Karan reveals that he saw them together at the party and shocks Rajveer by disclosing that Preeta is his wife. Karan requests Rajveer to be truthful and honest about their connection. However, Rajveer is taken aback by this revelation and refuses to believe Karan’s words. He dismisses them as mere family drama and warns Karan to stay away from Preeta before abruptly ending the call.
Karan Prays for Help in Finding His Lost Love
Karan is deeply disheartened by Rajveer’s behavior and turns to prayer, fervently seeking help from the Almighty to bring his love back into his life. With his heart heavy, Karan hopes for divine intervention that will reunite him with Preeta and restore their lost bond.
Rajveer’s Dark Intentions and the Awaited Reunion
On the other hand, Rajveer sees an opportunity to sabotage Shaurya’s event by cutting the earthen wire of the microphone. As tensions rise, the question remains whether Karan will be able to meet Preeta before Nidhi and Kareena do. Moreover, the audience eagerly awaits Preeta’s reaction to meeting Karan after her memory loss, as this anticipated reunion holds the potential to bring their love story to new heights.
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